
24/7/365 Days

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Let's Discuss

As we used in this Terms of Service, Words “We” (or) “Our” (or) “Us” (or) “Organization” shall mean the “ScienTechS” and/or “STS”. “Platform” shall mean the “" and/or "Website". Any references to “You” (or) “Your” (or) “User” (or) “Client” (or) “Customer” (or) “Individual” shall mean any "Person" (or) "Entity" using our Platform.

For cancellation

1. If you cancelled the service, then the amount will not be refunded.
2. In certain cases, based on the client request, the refund will be considered!
3. In certain cases like if we announce the refund for the cancellation (for certain time period), if you cancelled the service within the specified time period then the amount will be refunded.

For technical problems

Due to the technical problems at your or our end, if you paid more amount than the required, then that extra amount will be refunded.

For payment failure

1. If your online payment is failed but your amount is debited from your account, if we receive your amount then the same will be refunded upon the confirmation.
2. Sometimes, payment gateway will initiate the refund automatically for the transaction failures if your amount is debited!

Processing Time / Days for refund: 7-10 days.